
Friday, August 24, 2007

LaGrave Field

LaGrave Field, originally uploaded by peteg.

We caught the third to last Fort Worth Cats game of the season last night. LaGrave field is a really nice ballpark with views of the levee and riverside to the east and downtown to the south. The Cats were taking a beating by the 4th inning. That and the heat prompted us to bail out around the 4th inning. It was a beautiful night so we went driving with the windows down and the sun roof open. Driving along the Trinity River near 7th street we saw fireflies flashing in the night. We've never seen fireflies before, so we pulled over, killed the lights and watched the majickal critters dance in the warm evening air.


Anonymous said...

i like this story with the photo. it sounds like a good beautiful night.

technoChino said...

Talking about fireflies, Gina used to think that the ones at the beginning of Pirates of the Caribbean were real until I told her otherwise. She still has not fully forgiven me for killing that little fantasy.

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San Francisco, CA, United States